

I’ve noticed that a lot of people define themselves with labels.  I have something to say about that.  We are not labels. We are people.  We are human.  All of us.

I don’t define myself by my sexual orientation, that’s just a sexual preference.
I don’t define myself by my gender.  That’s just a model of the vessel I was given.
I don’t define myself by the color of my skin, that’s just a color of the vessel I was given.
I don’t define myself by my looks, weight or height…it’s just another part of this vessel.
I don’t even define myself as a Christian,  that’s just a word used to loosely describe my faith.

I define myself as this.  I am an imperfect, forgiven sinner, loved by a perfect God.  No more.  No less.

If you define yourself as only a label,  it begs to question if there is any substance to your character at all.  Is that truly ALL that you are?  I don’t believe so.   When God made you,  He made you with layers upon layers upon layers of complex emotions, desires, dreams and talents.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Set apart and unique.  There is no one else like you!  I dare you to look within yourself and see all of the hidden beauty and flaws that make you,  you.  You are beautiful and I love you.   More importantly,  God loves you.  Just the way you are.  Flaws and all.

Becoming that thing which we hate


Racism is alive and well in america.  Only the willfully blind refuse to see it.  There are bad cops in America.  Once again, only the willfully blind refuse to see it.  It is more than just a race issue.  It is a hate issue.  Believe it or not there are more good people in America than bad people, more good cops than bad cops, but the media refuses to show that. They show violence and hate.  Shock and awe is their tactic.  They do this to sell papers, to put money in their pockets.  They arouse our hate and bitterness and turn us against each other.  The underlying question, though, is what does this say about the heart of every single american?  That we would rather see violence than peace?  That we wouuld rather be divided than united?  It’s time we take a serious look at our own hearts and see what is there, love or hate.  If it’s hate, we need to find love.  If it’s love, we need to give more of it.  Let us not become the thing we hate, but become the thing we love.  Let us stand together and fight the evil, not each other.  The evil is in our own hearts.  The enemy dwells there and stirs us up.  Fight the enemy within and let the love of Jesus fill us so we can stand together against this evil.. If we don’t do this,  then we trully will become that thing which we hate.

A thankful goodbye


One of my dearest friends died two days ago,  Lord.  I remember when I asked you to heal my mother from cancer and you did.  It was there one day and gone the next.   I asked you to heal my friend and yet,  you didn’t.  I know you could have.   I’m not angry.  Some people may wonder why.  You gave me thirty beautiful years to spend with her.  For three decades she shared my life and I am grateful for every single day of those years.  What a blessing you bestowed upon me.  I know that all things work for good for those who love you.  I trust you fully and completely.   Thank you for every one of those years with her.   Thank you for giving me the chance to say goodbye.   Thank you for all of the beautiful people who prayed for her family and myself.   I felt those prayers.   Thank you for giving me your peace which transcends all understanding.  I love you.